
Showing posts from December, 2018

The Cocoa Tree: New Threats It Faces

The Cocoa Tree is one of the world's most valuable commodities, because chocolate is one of the world’s favorite flavors. Besides craving the creamy and delicious tastes of chocolate bars and candies, we enjoy chocolate in hot beverages, cakes, pies, and puddings, and as a very popular flavoring in milk. Chocolate ice cream, along with all of its many collaborations with other flavors, is also a global favorite. Perhaps surprising to some, Americans consume less chocolate per capita than many of their European counterparts. According to a 2015 Forbes Report , the Swiss lead the way with 19.8 lbs./capita. The United States only ranks 9 th at 9.5 lbs/capita consumption. Overall, the world consumed approximately 7.7 million metric tons of chocolate so far in 2018, according to Statistica. Cocoa Trees are Under Threat Scientists and other experts are predicting trends that may be threatening the healthy development of cocoa production. Chocolate is made from the ...

Got Moths? Your Trees Might be in Danger

Moths of different types find food and shelter in various places in the home. Some nest in carpets while others infest clothes closets and creating significant damage. However, outside your home, another type of moth, winter moths seek out hardwood trees to infest. Between November and January, they find homes in trees and their larvae feed on the developing leaves in the spring, causing noticeable defoliation of the trees as summer approaches. Over several years, the tree will eventually die. Where is Winter Moth Prevalent? According to the National Institute of Health , winter moths originated in Europe and spread to North America. Their infestation is most prominent in the Northeast section of the United States although other areas have experienced the problem. The outbreak causes severe damage to tree varieties that include oak, maple, ash, elm, beech, fruit-bearing trees and more. Symptoms of Winter Moth Damage Presence of the moth larvae is usually not detectab...