
Showing posts from October, 2019

Tips for Choosing the Best Trees for a Tree Farm

Considering a career change? If you have access to a few acres, tree farming is earth-friendly and profitable with the right inventory. Rather than run-of-the-mill commodity trees used to produce wood pulp, digging into the niche tree industry can help you secure a more substantial, reliable income. Tips for Selecting Trees that Boost Your Income Stream To draw in additional income, and faster, you must select trees that: ·          Grow Fast The faster trees grow, the more quickly you’ll see a return. For instance, instead of growing a stand of Douglas fir for 50 years to be used for timber, opt instead for the 7 to 8 year turnaround of the same species for Christmas trees which could yield you ten-times more profit per acre. ·          Are Low-Maintenance Less care and harvest costs help you reduce labor and keep more dollars in your pocket. How do you select low maintenance trees? The...

How Planting Trees Impacts Climate Change

Planting trees offers a simple, highly-effective, sustainable means of combating climate change. Trees absorb large amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide, which has been identified as the leading culprit behind climate change. And according to Tim Crowther, leading climate change ecologist at Switzerland’s ETH Zurich, the earth has room for at least 1.2 trillion more of them. Could Sustainable Tree Farming Help the Environment? How could your little sapling induce change, help individuals, governments, and businesses combat the impact of climate change? Data shows planting trees and allowing them to grow could deliver far superior results than even the next best climate change solution (managing HFC gas emissions from refrigerators and air conditioners). Researchers estimate a worldwide planting program, that takes advantage of areas where trees can be added, could remove two-thirds of all carbon emissions created by human activity. Though this could take 50-100 years to...