Finding the Right Landscape Designer

In most instances, it is easy to discern whether a professional landscape designer has been involved in developing a plan for a new or reworked landscape. The balance, placement, color, seasonal variations, and hardscape designs are clear signs that a professional has been at work. As an artist approaches a new canvas, a landscape designer imagines a setting that is beautiful, functional, and practical without excessive expense and required maintenance.
Selecting a landscape professional for home or business requires weighing several variables. The first step is to consider what you are willing to spend and which elements of the job the landscape designer should complete.
Finding a Professional Landscape Designer
The world abounds with landscape architects, designers, experts, and specialists. Some are better at implementing and maintaining, while others are proven geniuses at imagining and designing. Some landscape companies staff professionals for each discipline.
Home or business owners should choose a few candidates to interview to determine who:
  • Communicates well
  • Shares your vision
  • Presents a substantial portfolio of design experience
  • Provides a solid list of references
Checking references is important. How past projects were handled, the ease of communication and outcome will determine if a candidate is solid or should be eliminated from the list.
Questions to Ask a Landscape Designer Candidate
Does the designer provide a free, upfront consultation?
A one or two-hour consultation is an opportunity to become familiar with each other as the designer talks philosophy and provides off-the-cuff suggestions about how to approach the project. This meeting is an opportunity to share vision and budget requirements while determining if you are compatible with each other.
What will be the process?
Once a design is presented, perhaps modified, and accepted, and the cost is agreed upon, how will the project proceed? If the contract is for design only, then you must start again to find the professionals to implement the plan.
Executing the Plan
You may be requesting a design only if you had another professional capable and prepared to implement the plan.
Alternatively, in a design-build scenario, the designer may oversee the full implementation of the project, using associated professionals to complete the job. In situations that require extensive construction and sophisticated grading, using the design company to carry out the plan can be economically advantageous and uninterrupted.
ProLine from Heritage Oak Farm
Contact Heritage Oak Farm about ProLine™  professional landscaping equipment at (888)-288-5308.


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