Add Curb Appeal with Potted Plants

It is no wonder that today's homeowners and nursery managers are adding more potted plants to an already wide-ranging spectrum of landscaping ideas. Flower pots are no longer restricted to kitchen windows, nor are beautiful and elegant plants limited to front and backyard gardens and plots.
Containerized plants of all kinds add flexibility to any scene. Portable and easily tended, these allow for an ever-changing view, mixing and matching as the weeks pass. The containers themselves can vary in type and style which adds even further interest to the scene. Blending colors, shapes, and textures in a particular setting is part of the fun and creativity of landscaping with pots and other types of containers.
Advantages of Potted Plants for Landscaping
  • Individually managed, each flower or shrub benefits from the precise amount of TLC required, never too much nor too little as with garden settings with a variety of different plants.
  • Potted vegetation can be used to create an ever-changing scene. Framing an entryway, lining front stairways, skirting a driveway, or providing a border around a patio or deck, potted greenery and flowers can add drama or a relaxing aura to just about any environment.
  • When the weather turns and a freak hailstorm, deluge, or another nasty event should occur, moving potted plants to safety is possible. Not so with plants planted directly into the ground.
  • Potted plants are the perfect option for townhouses and apartments where space is limited.
Create a Beautiful and Productive Balance
Arranging the plants in an appealing array enhances the curb appeal and the owners’ personal enjoyment. Placing taller plants in the rear and shorter ones in front is a natural strategy, but creating well-coordinated color contrasts is essential.
Adding herbs gives contrast and supplies the homeowner chef with a continual supply of flavor enhancers.
Heritage Oak Farm
Heritage Oak Farm has been a producer and equipment supplier to nurseries and landscape professionals for decades. Built upon their extensive experience in growing, lifting, and transplanting trees, shrubs, and other nursery products, Heritage created their ProLine™ series of equipment designed to:
  • Make tree and shrub handling easier
  • Reduce damage to trees and shrubs during transport
  • Help nursery and landscaping operations become efficient
For more information regarding ProLine™ equipment, visit their website to view the extensive range of labor-saving equipment.
For questions, contact the Heritage Oak Farm ProLine professionals at 888.288.5308.


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