Time to Tell Your Clients to Winterize Their Landscape

Professional landscapers are frequently as busy in the autumn as they are in the spring and summer. Home and business owners who wish to have great looking surroundings throughout the year must be made aware that proper care and treatment do not end when the leaves begin to fall. There is still much to do to ensure that plants and trees stay healthy through the winter and emerge in full brilliance when spring sets in.

What is Involved in Winterizing a Landscape?

Much as people begin to winterize their homes when colder weather sets in, landscapers and gardeners must prepare their plantings, trees, and shrubs for the coming winter.

Before the first freezing period, landscapers should apply moisture by watering a final time. Also, a moisture retention additive will keep the soils below from completely drying out. Surface water should be gone by the time the first hard freeze sets in.

Irrigation systems should be completely blown out to keep them from freezing over the winter in order to prevent damage to the irrigation lines.

Additional suggestions for winter preparation:
  • Forget about fertilizing at this time. The fertilizer may begin to generate new growth in some plants which will instantly die when a hard freeze arrives.
  • Amend the soil around plantings and trees with compost and other organic material to add nutrition for the coming year.
  • Prune dead branches and suckers and clear around the base of trees.
  • Mulching up to six inches in depth insulates the areas around the base of plants and trees. Mulching should keep the plants from freezing during the coldest periods.
  • In windy areas, windbreaks and barriers can deflect damage from high wind and drifting snow.
  • Many landscapers add anti-desiccants to their trees and shrubs to hold moisture throughout the winter.

ProLine™ State-of-the-Art Tree Handling Equipment

During their decades-long experience in the tree nursery and landscaping industry, the professionals at Heritage Oak Farm developed time and money-saving devices in their ProLine series for handling large volumes of bulky trees and shrubbery.

One notably important device designed for nurseries and tree farms is the ProLine POT FORKS™ accessory. Like other ProLine devices, the equipment attaches easily to any late model skid steer. The POT FORKS accessory can transport several one-gallon to fifteen-gallon pots at once with the adjustable forks.

For more information regarding Heritage Oak Farm’s ProLine range of expert nursery equipment, call the experts at +1-888-288-5308.


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