Common Midwest Oak Tree Diseases: Botryosphaeria Twig Canker
Do my trees have Botryosphaeria twig canker? Botryosphaeria twig
canker is a disease that affects red and white oaks. Properly caring for your
trees, keeping landscaping tools and equipment clean, and watching out for signs of
lesions on leaves can help you avoid this common oak tree disease.
What Causes Botryosphaeria Twig
A fungus is the cause of Botryosphaeria twig canker. As its name
suggests, the specific fungus identified for this disease is Botryosphaeria
spp. Symptoms of this disease typically present in the mid-summer, after
periods of heavy spring rainfall, and dead branch tips may remain visible
through the fall.
Signs of Botryosphaeria Twig Canker
When the fungus attacks a tree, it causes brown, wilted leaves on
the tips of tree branches, extending 4-6 inches in from branch tips. Upon
closer inspection, you will see brownish-black elongated lesions (cankers) on
affected limbs. Within the lesions, black, pimple-like fruiting structures also
The infection is random and scattered, effecting the outermost
branches rather than the whole limb. Botryosphaeria twig canker impairs the
phloem and cambium tissue, inhibiting the proper flow of water and nutrients
and causing leaf structure beyond the cankers to turn brown and wilt. Sapwood
discoloration may also occur.
Note: Cicada and twig-pruner insect
damage can present similar dieback symptoms.
Long-Term Effects of Botryosphaeria
Twig Canker
Dieback with this disease is typically minimal, inflicting little
damage to the overall tree health.
Treatment Options for Botryosphaeria
Twig Canker
Botryosphaeria fungus overwinters on fruiting bodies and dead
tissue, making timely, careful pruning essential. Prune affected trees in the
winter when trees are dormant, removing infected twigs and branches and
destroying them. Carefully clean all pruning tools following removal to prevent
the spread of the fungus, which is disseminated via contact or air
movement/splash dispersal of spores. Chemical controls are not typically
warranted, as there are currently no effective fungicidal controls for
Botryosphaeria twig canker.
Wounded plant tissue makes trees particularly susceptible to
infection by Botryosphaeria spp. Using proper pruning techniques and carefully
planting/transplanting your oak trees with the help of your ProLine Grabber and Forques can significantly reduce the risk of a Botryosphaeria infection.
Tips for Avoiding Botryosphaeria Twig
This fungus is an opportunistic pathogen, causing disease only on
plants that are stressed. Avoiding stressors is key to preventing infection and
colonization. This can be accomplished by:
Developing trees with large healthy
Ensuring adequate (but not excessive)
watering and proper aeration.
Avoiding the thinning of trees during
drought or insect infestation.
Properly cleaning tools after every
pruning session.
Diversifying the age classes of your
Avoid Botryosphaeria twig canker infections with quality tree
moving and planting tools. Speed the planting and transport of your trees,
protecting them from unnecessary injury with ProLine professional landscaping
equipment. Learn more today.
This article was previously published
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