
Showing posts from January, 2019

What is Pine Bark Beetle?

What is Pine Bark Beetle? The various species of pine bark beetle can cause significant devastation to plants and most notably, pine tree varieties. The appearance of these is usually noticeable following severe weather conditions that weaken trees and shrubs. Healthy, thriving trees are not often attacked, although prevention is still essential. Damage occurs as these beetles enter the inner bark level which interferes with the tree’s ability to absorb water and nutrients. Some pine bark beetles introduce a symbiotic fungus that further devastates a weakened tree. As a result, the trees die. Species of Pine Bark Beetles According to the U.S. Forest Service , there are over 600 species of pine bark beetle. Some of the most notable are: ●      Mountain Pine Beetle ●      IPS Pine Engraver Beetle ●      Black Turpentine Beetle ●      Southern Pine Beetle In recent years, the mos...

Asian Longhorned Beetle: Nasty Little Beast

In 2003, according to Natural Resources Canada , a new, highly invasive insect arrived in North America via wooden packing materials from Asia. The insects, Asian Long Horned Beetles, are native to areas of China and Korea. They attack hardwood trees like maple, poplar, birch, willow, and elm causing significant harm and eventually kill the infested trees. Subsequently, the Asian Long Horned Beetle has been found in the United States in Ohio, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, and Massachusetts. The Asian Long Horned Beetle has no natural enemies in North America that can stem their further development, so the threat to the natural forests in the region is substantial. How to Identify an Asian Long Horned Beetle The Asian Long Horned Beetle is identifiable by two very distinct features: irregular white-spotted coloring on their folded wings and very long black and white striped antennae. These insects reach an adult length of about 1½ inches, and the larva is cream c...