Asian Longhorned Beetle: Nasty Little Beast

In 2003, according to Natural Resources Canada, a new, highly invasive insect arrived in North America via wooden packing materials from Asia. The insects, Asian Long Horned Beetles, are native to areas of China and Korea. They attack hardwood trees like maple, poplar, birch, willow, and elm causing significant harm and eventually kill the infested trees.

Subsequently, the Asian Long Horned Beetle has been found in the United States in Ohio, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, and Massachusetts.

The Asian Long Horned Beetle has no natural enemies in North America that can stem their further development, so the threat to the natural forests in the region is substantial.

How to Identify an Asian Long Horned Beetle

The Asian Long Horned Beetle is identifiable by two very distinct features: irregular white-spotted coloring on their folded wings and very long black and white striped antennae. These insects reach an adult length of about 1½ inches, and the larva is cream colored and grub like and are about 1 to 2 inches long when mature.

As with many insect infestations, the presence of the Asian Long Horned Beetle causes yellowing leaves at first before tree branches begin to die off. The insects leave large circular boring holes in the trunk or large branches that will indicate their intrusion.

Eradicating Infestation

Trees should be inspected regularly for signs of disease or infestation. To eliminate the Asia Long Horned Beetle, the use of USDA approved chemicals designed specifically for this species is advised. Chemicals can be applied for prevention also. If the infestation has occurred, an injectable, approved chemical should be applied to the tree that will work from the base into the canopy from the locations where the liquid is injected.

One effective treatment should be good for the entire season. If not, additional applications are warranted.

Homeowners should always consult with their landscape professionals to ensure the proper treatments and procedures are administered.

Check Out ProLine Professional Landscaping Equipment
With decades of experience collaborating with professional landscapers and suppliers, Heritage Oak Farm has applied their vast knowledge to create the ProLine™ Series of advanced labor saving equipment for tree farms, nurseries, and landscape professionals. One particular design, the ProLine Forques™, can move multiple root balls at one time without damage. The equipment attaches to any late model skid steer and can accomplish many tasks easily.

For more information regarding ProLine equipment, check out the website, or call 1-888-288-5308.


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